Imprint/Legal Notice


agma­da­ta GmbH
Amerikas­tr. 15
49681 Gar­rel

Contact Options

E‑Mail Address:
Phone: +49 4474 50519–0
Fax: +49 4474 50519–99


Hel­mut Voß­mann (Geschäftsführer/CEO)

Company Details

VAT iden­ti­fi­ca­tion num­ber: DE163609017

Register, Type of Register and Register Number

Com­mer­cial Reg­is­ter
Admin­is­tered by: Amts­gericht Old­en­burg
Reg­is­ter num­ber: HRB 150488

Liability and Intellectual Property Rights Information

Copy­rights and Trade­marks: All con­tents pre­sent­ed on this web­site, such as texts, pho­tographs, graph­ics, brands and trade­marks are pro­tect­ed by the respec­tive intel­lec­tu­al prop­er­ty rights (copy­rights, trade­mark rights). The use, repro­duc­tion, etc. are sub­ject to our rights or the rights of the respec­tive authors or rights own­ers.

Infor­ma­tion on legal infringe­ments: Please noti­fy us if you notice any rights vio­la­tions on our web­site. Once noti­fied, we will prompt­ly remove any ille­gal con­tent or links.

Image credits

This web­site uses own imagery, licensed stock pho­tos from and free images under CC0 license from and

Legal text by Dr. Schwenke - please click for further information.