
Partner to the food industry for 30 years

When you’ve been in the food industry as long as we have, you can gain quite a bit of experience. After all, more than 250 companies are now working with agmadata’s software solutions – we have helped each of these companies to introduce digital processes for good food, and we help you to live them in practice every day anew.

Of course, no two customers are the same. Since everything we do revolves around our users, our systems adapt to the operational conditions in the company and not the other way around. We succeed thanks to our employees, who bring expertise from all areas of animal production, marketing and agribusiness.


Case Studies

Heideküche Ehlers

Reers Geflügel


Geflügelspezialitäten Steinfeld



All the places where we have already been successful:


What our customers say

Great that so much more can be achieved with agmadata’s industry software.

For the past three years, agmadata’s Christmas Poultry Disposition module has simply led to improved delivery in customer markets. Our customers receive the desired product freshness at the right time even faster and thank us with great satisfaction. Since the introduction of iFood in the seasonal business, sales have continued to grow. Furthermore, iFood noticeably contributes to the relief of our employees!

André Schröder


Ice cream love and IT love combine to create taste and flexibility.
Speed, flexibility and reliability are what count for our ice cream factory. These qualities are also provided by our IT service provider agmadata.

Michael Martens


Other suppliers tried to make us afraid of interfaces and thus wanted to force us to buy everything from a single source. agmadata, on the other hand, gave us the freedom of choice and supported us in integrating already existing components and adding further solutions to the ERP system, which we selected entirely according to our needs.
Roy Ehlers

Heideküche Ehlers

We have relied on agmadata in production and logistics for over 12 years.
For us as a raw material supplier for pet food, transparency and traceability through the logistics and production process are just as important as for food. We can rely one hundred percent on the seamlessly documented production. With continuously developed standard programs, our workflows are becoming more streamlined every day. As a result, we achieve process and quality improvements that we rely on more and more.

Klaus Below


Really worth the price – the fully integrated price labeler connection from agmadata.
This connection has been running so smoothly for us for five years that it deserves a special mention. With three production sites, Stolle is one of the main pillars of the Plukon Food Group Germany. The industry software iFood has been used since 1996 for centrally controlled order entry and processing as well as picking and logistics scheduling on approx. 30 workstations.

Markus Bextermöller

Stolle/Plukon Food Group

The good price/performance ratio and, moreover, the pleasant business relationship at eye level result in an important and nice added value for us.
We have been working successfully with agmadata’s industry software since 1987. A short break in the business relationship has shown us that we are in good hands when it comes to product performance, cost, functionality and service!

Henning Pleus

Alfred Pleus GmbH