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Neuer Newsletter AUSBLICK erschienen

Der neue Newsletter „AUSBLICK“ ist da! In der ersten Ausgabe beschäftigt er sich mit der Eröffnung des Digital Hub, berichtet über den Einsatz von iFood bei der Heideküche Ehlers und gibt einen Ausblick auf das kommende iFood 3.0.

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Farm&Food hub launched in Garrel

In spring 2023, agmadata opened the Farm&Food Hub in Garrel. The new working environment serves as a creative exchange among each other, with research and industry, and also enables a practical connection to local companies. Future workplaces have been created in an open co-working space in the countryside, which start-up companies can rent at favorable conditions. This means that they not only become users of the hub, but can actively participate in the animal and food-related projects that are created there.

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New agmadata website published

New agmadata website published

Since July agmadata has a new website. From now on, all information about the company, its products iFood and 360°efood, the Farm&Food Hub and the new office building Burg Solo can be found under one roof at the familiar address

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