Origin — Values — Future

Helmut Voßmann, founder of agmadata GmbH, leads the company into the future with the values of his ancestors

Tra­di­tion and inno­va­tion — two seem­ing­ly con­tra­dic­to­ry con­cepts that are inter­twined at agma­da­ta GmbH. The com­pa­ny is firm­ly based on the val­ues that Hel­mut Voß­mann inher­it­ed from his ances­tors.

From postal worker to cattle dealer: a family full of energy

Grand­fa­ther Josef Voß­mann was a sim­ple postal work­er who did his job con­sci­en­tious­ly and dili­gent­ly. He devot­ed his free time to his fam­i­ly and the farm. These virtues of work eth­ic and team spir­it shaped Hel­mut Voß­mann from an ear­ly age.

His father Paul Voß­mann, on the oth­er hand, was a deter­mined farmer who was always look­ing for new chal­lenges and even­tu­al­ly became a suc­cess­ful live­stock trad­er. With his charm­ing nature and gift for per­suad­ing peo­ple, he was pop­u­lar in his com­mu­ni­ty. From him, Hel­mut Voß­mann learned to think entre­pre­neuri­al­ly and rec­og­nize oppor­tu­ni­ties.

Independent of people: Values as a compass for entrepreneurial action

These con­trast­ing but com­ple­men­tary char­ac­ter­is­tics also char­ac­ter­ize agma­da­ta GmbH. The com­pa­ny is inno­v­a­tive and dynam­ic, but at the same time con­sis­tent and reli­able. Tra­di­tion­al val­ues such as hon­esty, fair­ness and cus­tomer ori­en­ta­tion form the core of the cor­po­rate cul­ture instead of the quar­ter­ly think­ing and “share­hold­er val­ue” that are com­mon today.

Hel­mut Voß­mann is con­vinced: “The future secu­ri­ty of a com­pa­ny lies not only in the hands of the peo­ple involved, but also in the val­ues that are prac­ticed.” These val­ues — inher­it­ed from his ances­tors and devel­oped over the course of his life — form the foun­da­tion of agma­da­ta GmbH.



Responsibility for the future: focus on employees and customers

agma­da­ta GmbH sees itself not only as a com­mer­cial enter­prise, but also as part of soci­ety. For Hel­mut Voß­mann, tak­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty for employ­ees and cus­tomers is as nat­ur­al as being part of a large fam­i­ly.

He looks ahead with opti­mism: “The val­ues that have char­ac­ter­ized us so far will con­tin­ue to guide our actions and pave the way to a suc­cess­ful future.”