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Neuer Newsletter AUSBLICK erschienen

Der neue Newslet­ter „AUSBLICK“ ist da! In der ersten Aus­gabe beschäftigt er sich mit der Eröff­nung des Dig­i­tal Hub, berichtet über den Ein­satz von iFood bei der Hei­deküche Ehlers und gibt einen Aus­blick auf das kom­mende iFood 3.0.

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Farm&Food hub launched in Garrel

In spring 2023, agma­da­ta opened the Farm&Food Hub in Gar­rel. The new work­ing envi­ron­ment serves as a cre­ative exchange among each oth­er, with research and indus­try, and also enables a prac­ti­cal con­nec­tion to local com­pa­nies. Future work­places have been cre­at­ed in an open co-work­ing space in the coun­try­side, which start-up com­pa­nies can rent at favor­able con­di­tions. This means that they not only become users of the hub, but can active­ly par­tic­i­pate in the ani­mal and food-relat­ed projects that are cre­at­ed there.

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New agmadata website published

New agmadata website published

Since July agma­da­ta has a new web­site. From now on, all infor­ma­tion about the com­pa­ny, its prod­ucts iFood and 360°efood, the Farm&Food Hub and the new office build­ing Burg Solo can be found under one roof at the famil­iar address

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